Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use
- By uploading an image or video (in further text – Content) you guarantee that you have read these Terms & Conditions of Uploading Content to Lajk It website and that you agree to abide by all clauses within these Terms and Conditions.
- By uploading images or videos (in further text – Content) to Lajk It website, you guarantee that you are the legal owner of the copyright of that Content, or have been awarded full and unrestricted rights from the copyright owner to upload and utilize the Content for the purposes of this website.
- By uploading Content you guarantee that such use of Content in the Lajk It website does not violate the rights of any other party, does not result in a breach of contract between you and another party and that you accept responsibility for any royalties or fees due to any other party from the use of the uploaded Content.
- By uploading Content you guarantee that any people clearly identifiable in the Content have consented to have their image/video displayed, or that you have full rights to display the image/video in this manner and accept full responsibility for such use.
- Any Content uploaded to this site will be assessed by a Moderator of Lajk It website for suitability. Moderator will either reject or accept each Content for posting to the site. Images that are rejected will be deleted from the website entirely, with no copies remaining in the Lajk It system. The decisions of the Moderator are irrevocable.
- When uploading audio or video you are solely responsible for their content and for any offence, claims or damages that arise from the content of those images or videos.
- The approval and posting of Content to the site by Moderator in no way alters or diminishes your responsibility and does not transfer any responsibility for the content to the Lajk It or the Moderator who approves the Content for posting.
- The Lajk It does not claim any copyright or any kind of ownership rights to the images you upload to the website. However, by uploading an image to the website you thereby grant to the Lajk It full rights to publically display, copy, reproduce and distribute the Content globally on its website or any associated website in perpetuity.
- The Lajk It guarantees that it will not create any derivative work from your Content nor modify the Content without your consent.
- The Lajk It will use Content that you upload to its site only for the purposes of this website and will not utilize nor will it authorize others to utilize such Content for other purposes including sale, commercial exploitation or for other forms of financial gain.
- These Terms and Conditions will be updated from-time-to-time and Lajk It reserves the right to make changes as it deems necessary without giving notification. You are responsible for keeping yourself updated on any such changes herein that might affect you.